A nightclub in England is going to be one of the first eco-friendly clubs in the world. 60% of the energy needed to power the club with will be produced by the gyrating Brits on the dance floor. Basically, the dance floor is on top of a series of springs which are connected to a new technology of energy producing crystals. The crystals produce electrical current when pressure is applied to them and so dancing night clubbers on top of springs are perfect for the job. The owner of the club is some millionaire who says that the club will also used recycled cups and paper as well as recycled water in the toilets. Many of the drinks served in the club will also be organic.
Entrance into the club will cost you $20 unless you can show proof that you walked, used a bicycle or public transportation to get there. Having that proof will get you a free pass for the evening.
I think the idea is awesome and Im all for anything thats better for our environment. I dont know about those organic drinks though, beet juice just isnt my thing.
they better hope that people dance or the club will have no power! lol.
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