Excuse me as I stumble through this:
It may come of no surprise to all of you great people who follow this little blog that I havent posted anything in quite a while. The time has come for me to move on and this will be my final post on Pop Culture for the Cultured. It's been a pretty awesome and eye opening 3+ years. I found out that I have the ability to commit to something for an extended period of time with no reward other than personal satisfaction. In many ways this blog started as a goof and in other ways it was therapeutic. Most people dont know that PCFC was started as a means of distraction for myself to get over a terrible break up. Love can be a motherfucker, both good and bad. For some reason people started reading my dumb feelings about popular culture and it became intensely satisfying to share my thoughts and the things I found interesting with people all over the world. So I would like to thank you for your continued reading, following, comments and personal emails over the past few years. Seriously. I hope that this single paragraph can convey how thankful I am for all of you (friends and possible future friends) who took the time out of their day to visit PCFC. Even if it was only once. Even if you stopped by just to disagree with me or make fun of me. Thank you.
So with that, I'll leave you with the wise words of Bill & Ted...Be excellent to each other.
Really sorry to hear this, I always enjoy your blog posts. No worries, I'm sure you will be on to even bigger and better things. Best of luck!
Thank you for the kind words
yo. im gonna miss your posts. no lie, i started blogging after i stumbled upon your blog 2 years ago. ive been a big fan and follower since then. best of luck in the future. if you move on to something else worth sharing please let me/us know. take care.
Thats awesome dude! Keep it up. I always appreciated your comments. Thanks for the kind words...they mean a lot.
Thanks for all the great links, wry comments and for distracting me from some crappy moments at work. All the best in whatever you do next!
Thanks for reading! Props for using the word "wry"
I see it really is dead. nonetheless, for the fella i do not know - you made me feel like i kind of did. awesome blog.
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