FED vs OLED vs LCD vs Plasma

Ok, so you already know about LCD and Plasma TV's, and Im sure that at some point, if you havent done so already, you're going to have to make the crucial decision of which one to make your new boob tube. Well Sony has just decided to make your decision a little harder by introducing a completely new type of TV called FED, or Field Emission Display. Without getting into the technical differences between all of these TV's, FED's are said to be very similar (in picture quality and reliability) to CRT TV's (CRT is like your old tube TV that you've had since you were...well since you were born) only they are super thin. Sony says that they plan to have FED TVs in production by 2010 but probably only for commercial use at first, since they also are backing another type of TV technology, OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode), which is actually available now however only for the Bill Gates crowd because an 11 inch model runs for about $2500.00. I chose a plasma TV, but mainly because of price, if you wanted a recommendation I'd go with LCD. Below is a picture of Sony's OLED TV.