Thank you so much for reading this little blog and spreading the word. With no advertising whatsoever, Pop Culture for the Cultured gets hundreds (one time a thousand) of hits a day and I cant thank you enough. Its truly amazing and very appreciated, but I do need to ask one small request of you. If you see a post that you like on here, please comment and say whatever is on your mind. Even if you dont like what you're seeing or what I have to say...just comment! A blog needs comments to survive and I'd really like to keep this thing going, and hopefully get bigger and better. In order to do so, I just need your help by typing a few words whenever you can. Thank you in advance and I hope you continue to enjoy PCFC.
This is a possible version of a new banner...thoughts??
i want you to know I support your blog all the way from the Philippines. keep up the great job and maybe it would be easier if you had a like button for all of us lazy facebook generated humanoids =) - j.b.
Thanks for reading and thanks for the advice!
I check in daily. I've commented before but as there was no response or further comments I figured no one checked (yourself included); I'll make sure to comment more often when something occurs to me.
Thanks for putting this stuff together - you save me a ton of time from trolling.
Thank YOU for reading daily. I chose in the past not to comment back on things, but that may be one of things that are changing in future. Seriously though, I appreciate the support.
I check in daily the music,videos, and the hot chicks of the day. Will comment frequently from now on.
I like the vagueness of your name, "some guy". Thanks for reading and thanks for your future comments!
PCFC is the hotness. I check here to make sure I know what's up! Keep up the good work!
Thank you K. See you in a couple weeks buddy
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